Dog Grooming Tips For Summer
Not only humans but dogs also suffer scars, sun burns and skin issues in summer. If you are quite conscious of your dog’s well- being and want to do something for it’s good health. You must necessarily know that climatic changes adversely affect the health of your special family member. Thus, it is really important to take care of your dog as per its needs in every season.
If you are a resident of El Paso then you’ll be aware of how harsh does the sun gets during the summer season here.As temperature increases and sun shines longer, your dog requires special summertime care to help feel their best. It is necessary for you to watch your dog attentively when it is outside under the sun.
Here we’ll be discussing about the dog grooming tips that will protect your dog in summer season:-
· Paw Care
Your pup has sensitive paw pads. Taking it for a walk in the mid- afternoon may harm your pup’s paw pads. The best way to avoid this problem is to take it on a walk early in the morning or in the evening.
Along with this, you can apply paw wax to prevent your pup’s paws from drying and cracking. Even after doing everything to take care of it’s paws, if they still overheat then you can wipe its paws with cold wipes or a damp cloth twice or thrice in a day.
· Choose Professionals For Grooming Your Pet
It is good to give professional dog grooming services in El Paso to your dog. They will not only help to beautify your dog but also advice you about it’s special summer diet, vaccination and a lot more. They can also suggest you more ways to groom your dog in summer.
· Ticks and Fleas
Ticks and Fleas attack your pet more in the summertime. Thus, you should take care that ticks do not get stucked in the fur of your special family member. To avoid this, you should check your dog’s fur after coming from a walk from wooden or grassy areas. The most feasible symptom that indicates the attack of ticks and fleas on your pet is itching. You may find your dog scratching it’s body to get rid of its itching.You can make use of flea combs or specially formulated flea and tick shampoo to remove these parasites.
· Brushing And Bathing
Doing more outdoor activities might make your dog filthy frequently. But you must not bath it often as this may harm it’s sensitive skin and it may acquire skin issues. Give it a bath at a regular interval, and be careful about the water pressure. Do not let the water get inside your dog’s eye, mouth or ear. To bath it well you should use special dog shampoos, dematting brush, and lukewarm water.
Thus, these were some of the tips to effectively groom your dog in summer. Give your pet the special attention it needs and make sure your pet is looking and feeling clean in summer.
Come to Eastwood Animal Clinic a prominent Animal Hospital in El Paso for professional dog grooming services . Whether your pet is staying in our dog boarding, or you are here for a checkup, you’ll be getting happy to take care of all your pets grooming needs.
For more information, please call Eastwood Animal Clinic at 915. 593.0713 to setup your wellness exam for your pet.